Friday, February 6, 2009

Opinion or Doctrine

Please don't take offense if I point out how your OPINION differs from Church DOCTRINE. I expect you to frame your comments in like manner - show me how what we say compares to what the Church teaches. If you believe that your opinion is consistent with Christianity, but inconsistent with Church doctrine, than it is your responsibility to better define what YOU mean by Christianity (and it is my responsibility to point out any inconsistency).

Christianity is first and foremost concerned with being in right relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Church doctrine defines what it means to be in such a right relationship. This doctrine is not merely opinions of individuals within the Christian community. In the case of the Catholic church, this doctrine can be found in the Catechism so that the opinion of individuals can be compared to what is written there.

I am not just spouting my "opinion" because I am very careful to cite a reference for what I say so that you can compare my "opinion" to another source. I do this for clarification so that we can understand how we agree or disagree.

The norm in the case of this THEOLOGY class is not some personal opinion, but what the Church teaches concerning Christian Ethics. Class discussion revolves around that norm. I encourage students to consider any opinion in terms of the Christian norm, not the norm of non-Christian culture.

I understand my bias and continually consider whether my bias is consistent with Christianity; this is how I make informed decisions. My goal is to teach you how faith and right relationship are defined in the Christian context of Catholic doctrine. What you may consider "narrow" I consider "defined." Please consider the need for definition in communication; words have to mean something.

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